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Sexual Hazing Lawyer

Our Sexual Hazing Lawyers Will Protect Your Interest

Everyone has heard stories of fraternity initiations that went wrong, causing serious injuries and even deaths. The tragic aspect of these injuries and deaths is that they could have been prevented had someone acted more responsibly and intervened to stop the ritual.


All college fraternities have initiation rituals, and most of these rituals have a strong sexual component that each prospective member must endure in order to become one of the select few. Some of the reported sexually oriented components of these rituals include:



  • Binding of the genitals

  • Insertion of objects into body cavities

  • Being forced to cross-dress and then go out in public

  • Simulated homosexual sexual intercourse


There are other, more graphic and more disgusting, reports of sexual hazing but these are omitted in the interest of good taste.



Consequences of Sexual Hazing

Studies of the long-term effects of sexual hazing are few and most of these deal with hazing that occurs in relation to athletic teams. The small group of studies do reveal two disturbing facts:



  • Fraternity men are three times more likely to be charged with sexual assault than are non-fraternity males

  • Sexual assault is second only to assault and battery in insurance claims filed against fraternities


While it may be difficult to directly link sexual hazing with higher incidences of sexual assaults, there is no disputing the statistical associations of fraternities with these crimes.



State Laws on Sexual Hazing

Over the last decades the number of serious injuries and deaths that were the result of a fraternity hazing led to calls for the practice be banned. The less than enthusiastic response from the individual fraternities and their national headquarters prompted many states to enact what are known as anti-hazing laws.


As of this writing, 38 states have anti-hazing laws although there have been relatively few arrests, fewer prosecutions, and only a handful of convictions. None the less, a criminal charge or conviction does not prevent the filing of a civil lawsuit for the same criminal act.



Damages in a Sexual Hazing Lawsuits

Anyone who was the victim of sexual hazing as part of an initiation ritual has the right to file a lawsuit against the responsible party or parties.


When a sexual hazing attorney files a lawsuit, he or she will ask for damages to compensate you for your injuries. Although lawsuits are tailored to the needs of the individual, most lawsuits will demand that you receive compensation for:



  • Current and anticipated future medical expenses

  • Current and anticipated expenses for mental health counseling

  • “Non-economic” damages to compensate you for pain, suffering, embarrassment, etc

  • Punitive damages to discourage or prevent those who injured you from harming someone else


In the lawsuit, anyone who planned the initiation, knew about the initiation, participated in it, or was in a position to exercise some control over the initiation can be named as defendants and ordered to pay their share of any damages that are awarded to you.



Why You Need a Sexual Hazing Lawyer

Despite their denials, sexual hazing in one form or another is still a part of fraternity initiation rituals. It is also no secret that some of those who are the subjects of these rituals suffer “unforeseen events” that can range from mild genital trauma to injuries to the genitals and other organs that require lifesaving surgical intervention. When the toll of these physical injuries are combined with the longer-lasting psychological traumas associated with these unnecessary and avoidable traumas, it becomes clear that those who are victims of sexual hazing deserve to be compensated for their injuries.


If you suffered any type of injury, physical or emotional, during a fraternity sexual hazing you should contact a sexual hazing lawyer to discuss the legal options that are available to you. A sexual hazing lawyer will understand that talking about your injuries can be painful and embarrassing for you, and will assure you that your conversations will be held in strict confidence as demanded by the attorney-client privilege.


Sexual hazing has caused too much damage to young men in the past to be ignored in the present. The only way to prevent such traumas in the future is to hold those that have inflicted these injuries to task in a court of law.

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